Column descriptions

Group session ID
Task ID.
The iMac that the participant was stationed at.
Participant ID. A participant ID of -1 indicates an unknown participant. All rows that do not have values for the `task` column will have their participant ID set to -1. In the future, we will label some of these inter/pre/post task rows with the correct participant ID.
The Unix timestamp of the event.
The ISO-8601 timestamp of the event.
Computed confidence between 0 (not confident) - 1 (confident).
X position in the eye image frame in normalized coordinates.
Y position in the eye image frame in normalized coordinates.
X position of the 3d gaze point (the point the subject looks at) in the world camera coordinate system.
Y position of the 3d gaze point (the point the subject looks at) in the world camera coordinate system.
X position of the 3d gaze point (the point the subject looks at) in the world camera coordinate system.
X center of eye-ball 0 in the world camera coordinate system.
Y center of eye-ball 0 in the world camera coordinate system.
Z center of eye-ball 0 in the world camera coordinate system.
X center of eye-ball 1 in the world camera coordinate system.
Y center of eye-ball 1 in the world camera coordinate system.
Z center of eye-ball 1 in the world camera coordinate system.
X normal of the visual axis for eye 0 in the world camera coordinate system. The visual axis goes through the eye ball center and the object that is looked at.
Y normal of the visual axis for eye 0 in the world camera coordinate system. The visual axis goes through the eye ball center and the object that is looked at.
Z normal of the visual axis for eye 0 in the world camera coordinate system. The visual axis goes through the eye ball center and the object that is looked at.
X normal of the visual axis for eye 1 in the world camera coordinate system. The visual axis goes through the eye ball center and the object that is looked at.
Y normal of the visual axis for eye 1 in the world camera coordinate system. The visual axis goes through the eye ball center and the object that is looked at.
Z normal of the visual axis for eye 1 in the world camera coordinate system. The visual axis goes through the eye ball center and the object that is looked at.
Diameter of the eye-ball 0's pupil in image pixels as observed in the eye image frame (not corrected for perspective).
Diameter of the eye-ball 1's pupil in image pixels as observed in the eye image frame (not corrected for perspective).
Diameter of the eye-ball 0's pupil scaled to mm based on anthropomorphic avg eye ball diameter and corrected for perspective.
Diameter of the eye-ball 1's pupil scaled to mm based on anthropomorphic avg eye ball diameter and corrected for perspective.

where participant = 105

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Suggested facets: timestamp_iso8601 (date)

Link group_session station participant id task timestamp_unix timestamp_iso8601 confidence norm_pos_x norm_pos_y gaze_point_3d_x gaze_point_3d_y gaze_point_3d_z eye_center0_3d_x eye_center0_3d_y eye_center0_3d_z eye_center1_3d_x eye_center1_3d_y eye_center1_3d_z gaze_normal0_x gaze_normal0_y gaze_normal0_z gaze_normal1_x gaze_normal1_y gaze_normal1_z diameter0_2d diameter1_2d diameter0_3d diameter1_3d
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106182 rest_state 1675718226.4633062 2023-02-06T21:17:06.463306+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106183 rest_state 1675718226.4713755 2023-02-06T21:17:06.471375+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106184 rest_state 1675718226.4794447 2023-02-06T21:17:06.479445+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106185 rest_state 1675718226.487514 2023-02-06T21:17:06.487514+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106186 rest_state 1675718226.4955833 2023-02-06T21:17:06.495583+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106187 rest_state 1675718226.5036526 2023-02-06T21:17:06.503653+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106188 rest_state 1675718226.5117218 2023-02-06T21:17:06.511722+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106189 rest_state 1675718226.5197911 2023-02-06T21:17:06.519791+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106190 rest_state 1675718226.5278602 2023-02-06T21:17:06.527860+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106192 rest_state 1675718226.5359294 2023-02-06T21:17:06.535929+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106194 rest_state 1675718226.5439987 2023-02-06T21:17:06.543999+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106195 rest_state 1675718226.4702983 2023-02-06T21:17:06.470298+00:00 0.197557 0.484016 -0.273848 -6.93986 266.535 314.593       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.245935 0.653665 0.715708   14.6145   0.930676
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106196 rest_state 1675718226.552068 2023-02-06T21:17:06.552068+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106197 rest_state 1675718226.4783676 2023-02-06T21:17:06.478368+00:00 0.26841 0.553686 -0.214299 39.9862 252.321 339.476       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.152083 0.625237 0.765474   8.63717   0.542313
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106198 rest_state 1675718226.5601373 2023-02-06T21:17:06.560137+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106199 rest_state 1675718226.4864368 2023-02-06T21:17:06.486437+00:00 0.271504 0.7002 -0.22087 147.474 270.152 330.657       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       0.0628929 0.660898 0.747836   11.7565   0.782447
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106200 rest_state 1675718226.5682077 2023-02-06T21:17:06.568208+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106201 rest_state 1675718226.4945064 2023-02-06T21:17:06.494506+00:00 0.262198 0.753537 -0.18895 190.404 263.731 330.201       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       0.148753 0.648057 0.746924   12.5676   0.853889
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106202 rest_state 1675718226.576277 2023-02-06T21:17:06.576277+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106203 rest_state 1675718226.584346 2023-02-06T21:17:06.584346+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106204 rest_state 1675718226.5025756 2023-02-06T21:17:06.502576+00:00 0.335914 0.877856 -0.0735118 300.261 230.051 319.721       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       0.368467 0.580697 0.725964   11.4206   0.807998
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106205 rest_state 1675718226.5924153 2023-02-06T21:17:06.592415+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106206 rest_state 1675718226.5106447 2023-02-06T21:17:06.510645+00:00 0.256236 0.919526 -0.054857 339.957 226.507 299.666       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       0.447859 0.573608 0.685854   13.415   0.959469
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106207 rest_state 1675718226.518714 2023-02-06T21:17:06.518714+00:00 0.224893 0.985121 -0.0048491 406.54 211.266 259.816       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       0.581025 0.543127 0.606155   13.6276   0.978692
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106208 rest_state 1675718226.5267832 2023-02-06T21:17:06.526783+00:00 0.147297 1.00328 0.00489958 424.148 207.951 245.018       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       0.616241 0.536495 0.576559   13.4198   0.960828
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106209 rest_state 1675718226.5348525 2023-02-06T21:17:06.534853+00:00 0.121739 1.12967 0.147489 518.18 137.701 178.257       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       0.804304 0.395996 0.443037   14.7025   1.02164
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106210 rest_state 1675718226.5429218 2023-02-06T21:17:06.542922+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106211 rest_state 1675718226.550991 2023-02-06T21:17:06.550991+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106212 rest_state 1675718226.5590603 2023-02-06T21:17:06.559060+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106213 rest_state 1675718226.5671294 2023-02-06T21:17:06.567129+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106214 rest_state 1675718226.575199 2023-02-06T21:17:06.575199+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106215 rest_state 1675718226.5832682 2023-02-06T21:17:06.583268+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106216 rest_state 1675718226.5913374 2023-02-06T21:17:06.591337+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106217 rest_state 1675718226.5994067 2023-02-06T21:17:06.599407+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106218 rest_state 1675718226.607476 2023-02-06T21:17:06.607476+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106219 rest_state 1675718226.615545 2023-02-06T21:17:06.615545+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106220 rest_state 1675718226.6236143 2023-02-06T21:17:06.623614+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106221 rest_state 1675718226.6316845 2023-02-06T21:17:06.631685+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106222 rest_state 1675718226.6397538 2023-02-06T21:17:06.639754+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106223 rest_state 1675718226.647823 2023-02-06T21:17:06.647823+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106224 rest_state 1675718226.6558926 2023-02-06T21:17:06.655893+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106225 rest_state 1675718226.663962 2023-02-06T21:17:06.663962+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106226 rest_state 1675718226.672031 2023-02-06T21:17:06.672031+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106227 rest_state 1675718226.6004846 2023-02-06T21:17:06.600485+00:00 0.813166 0.85088 1.04519 261.357 -246.756 292.959 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.706171 -0.380695 0.596987       15.4683   0.663225  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106228 rest_state 1675718226.608554 2023-02-06T21:17:06.608554+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106229 rest_state 1675718226.6166232 2023-02-06T21:17:06.616623+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106230 rest_state 1675718226.6246924 2023-02-06T21:17:06.624692+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106231 rest_state 1675718226.6327617 2023-02-06T21:17:06.632762+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106232 rest_state 1675718226.6408308 2023-02-06T21:17:06.640831+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106233 rest_state 1675718226.6489003 2023-02-06T21:17:06.648900+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106234 rest_state 1675718226.6569695 2023-02-06T21:17:06.656970+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106235 rest_state 1675718226.6650388 2023-02-06T21:17:06.665039+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106236 rest_state 1675718226.673108 2023-02-06T21:17:06.673108+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106237 rest_state 1675718226.6811774 2023-02-06T21:17:06.681177+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106238 rest_state 1675718226.6892464 2023-02-06T21:17:06.689246+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106239 rest_state 1675718226.6973157 2023-02-06T21:17:06.697316+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106240 rest_state 1675718226.705385 2023-02-06T21:17:06.705385+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106241 rest_state 1675718226.6801002 2023-02-06T21:17:06.680100+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106242 rest_state 1675718226.6881695 2023-02-06T21:17:06.688169+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106243 rest_state 1675718226.6962388 2023-02-06T21:17:06.696239+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106244 rest_state 1675718226.704308 2023-02-06T21:17:06.704308+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106245 rest_state 1675718226.7123773 2023-02-06T21:17:06.712377+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106246 rest_state 1675718226.7204463 2023-02-06T21:17:06.720446+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106247 rest_state 1675718226.7285156 2023-02-06T21:17:06.728516+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106248 rest_state 1675718226.736585 2023-02-06T21:17:06.736585+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   2.94532e-06   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106249 rest_state 1675718226.7446544 2023-02-06T21:17:06.744654+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106250 rest_state 1675718226.7527237 2023-02-06T21:17:06.752724+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106251 rest_state 1675718226.760793 2023-02-06T21:17:06.760793+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106252 rest_state 1675718226.7688622 2023-02-06T21:17:06.768862+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106253 rest_state 1675718226.7769313 2023-02-06T21:17:06.776931+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106254 rest_state 1675718226.7850006 2023-02-06T21:17:06.785001+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106255 rest_state 1675718226.7134542 2023-02-06T21:17:06.713454+00:00 0.79803 0.781326 1.00058 214.407 -232.675 348.317 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.612272 -0.352532 0.707703       15.0536   0.652909  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106256 rest_state 1675718226.7930698 2023-02-06T21:17:06.793070+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106257 rest_state 1675718226.801139 2023-02-06T21:17:06.801139+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106258 rest_state 1675718226.7215235 2023-02-06T21:17:06.721524+00:00 0.703202 0.780868 0.999974 214.085 -232.443 348.711 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.611628 -0.352068 0.708491       16.2394   0.695832  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106259 rest_state 1675718226.729593 2023-02-06T21:17:06.729593+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106260 rest_state 1675718226.737662 2023-02-06T21:17:06.737662+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106261 rest_state 1675718226.7457314 2023-02-06T21:17:06.745731+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106262 rest_state 1675718226.7538016 2023-02-06T21:17:06.753802+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106263 rest_state 1675718226.7618709 2023-02-06T21:17:06.761871+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106264 rest_state 1675718226.7699401 2023-02-06T21:17:06.769940+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106265 rest_state 1675718226.7780094 2023-02-06T21:17:06.778009+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106266 rest_state 1675718226.7860787 2023-02-06T21:17:06.786079+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106267 rest_state 1675718226.7941477 2023-02-06T21:17:06.794148+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106268 rest_state 1675718226.802217 2023-02-06T21:17:06.802217+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106269 rest_state 1675718226.8102865 2023-02-06T21:17:06.810287+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106270 rest_state 1675718226.8183558 2023-02-06T21:17:06.818356+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106271 rest_state 1675718226.826425 2023-02-06T21:17:06.826425+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106272 rest_state 1675718226.8344944 2023-02-06T21:17:06.834494+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106273 rest_state 1675718226.8425636 2023-02-06T21:17:06.842564+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106274 rest_state 1675718226.8506327 2023-02-06T21:17:06.850633+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106275 rest_state 1675718226.858702 2023-02-06T21:17:06.858702+00:00 0.0 0.949957 -0.108015 287.604 197.711 198.255 -91.729 -56.4088 -5.53484       0.758665 0.508239 0.407579       0.0   0.0686552  
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106276 rest_state 1675718226.8092093 2023-02-06T21:17:06.809209+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106277 rest_state 1675718226.8172786 2023-02-06T21:17:06.817279+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106278 rest_state 1675718226.8253481 2023-02-06T21:17:06.825348+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106279 rest_state 1675718226.8334172 2023-02-06T21:17:06.833417+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106280 rest_state 1675718226.8414865 2023-02-06T21:17:06.841486+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106281 rest_state 1675718226.8495557 2023-02-06T21:17:06.849556+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106282 rest_state 1675718226.857625 2023-02-06T21:17:06.857625+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242
exp_2023_02_06_13 lion 105 106283 rest_state 1675718226.8656943 2023-02-06T21:17:06.865694+00:00 0.0 0.158642 -0.147201 -198.88 198.341 246.462       116.028 -60.2971 -43.2611       -0.629815 0.517276 0.579447   0.0   -0.0558242

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Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE "gaze_raw" (
   [group_session] TEXT REFERENCES [group_session]([id]),
   [station] TEXT REFERENCES [station]([id]),
   [participant] INTEGER REFERENCES [participant]([id]),
   [id] INTEGER,
   [task] TEXT REFERENCES [task]([id]),
   [timestamp_unix] TEXT,
   [timestamp_iso8601] TEXT,
   [confidence] FLOAT,
   [norm_pos_x] FLOAT,
   [norm_pos_y] FLOAT,
   [gaze_point_3d_x] FLOAT,
   [gaze_point_3d_y] FLOAT,
   [gaze_point_3d_z] FLOAT,
   [eye_center0_3d_x] FLOAT,
   [eye_center0_3d_y] FLOAT,
   [eye_center0_3d_z] FLOAT,
   [eye_center1_3d_x] FLOAT,
   [eye_center1_3d_y] FLOAT,
   [eye_center1_3d_z] FLOAT,
   [gaze_normal0_x] FLOAT,
   [gaze_normal0_y] FLOAT,
   [gaze_normal0_z] FLOAT,
   [gaze_normal1_x] FLOAT,
   [gaze_normal1_y] FLOAT,
   [gaze_normal1_z] FLOAT,
   [diameter0_2d] FLOAT,
   [diameter1_2d] FLOAT,
   [diameter0_3d] FLOAT,
   [diameter1_3d] FLOAT,
   PRIMARY KEY ([group_session], [station], [participant], [id])
CREATE INDEX [idx_gaze_raw_task]
    ON [gaze_raw] ([task]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_gaze_raw_participant]
    ON [gaze_raw] ([participant]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_gaze_raw_station]
    ON [gaze_raw] ([station]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_gaze_raw_group_session]
    ON [gaze_raw] ([group_session]);