Column descriptions

Group session ID
Task ID.
The iMac that the participant was stationed at.
Participant ID. A participant ID of -1 indicates an unknown participant. All rows that do not have values for the `task` column will have their participant ID set to -1. In the future, we will label some of these inter/pre/post task rows with the correct participant ID.
The Unix timestamp of the event.
The ISO-8601 timestamp of the event.

where participant = 151

View and edit SQL

Suggested facets: task, cp1, cp6, timestamp_iso8601 (date)

Link group_session station participant id task timestamp_unix timestamp_iso8601 aff1h f7 fc5 c3 t7 tp9 pz p3 p7 o1 o2 p8 p4 tp10 cz c4 t8 fc6 fcz f8 aff2h aux_gsr aux_ekg aff5h fc1 cp5 cp1 po9 oz po10 cp6 cp2 fc2 aff6h
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 151 125569 hands_on_training 1682373.0072983112 1970-01-20T11:19:33.007298+00:00 -0.0214139 -0.0369064 -0.0167372 -0.0287714 -0.0410972 -0.0492808 -0.0283887 -0.0104611 -0.0392921 -0.0393077 -0.0185365 -0.0265767 -0.0136112 -0.0640259 -0.0253121 -0.013491 -0.0304056 -0.0324146 -0.014045 -0.0424115 -0.0275789 0.488058 0.715212 -0.407751 -0.408067 -0.408045 -0.408398 -0.409405 -0.408889 -0.409229 -0.408398 -0.40838 -0.408246 -0.406822
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 151 405449 saturn_b 1682375.6111158838 1970-01-20T11:19:35.611116+00:00 -0.0197703 -0.0335475 -0.0147178 -0.0247795 -0.0356783 -0.0445839 -0.0247639 -0.00842026 -0.0354684 -0.0355574 -0.0148127 -0.0234224 -0.0111384 -0.0595011 -0.0227403 -0.0121577 -0.0273289 -0.028765 -0.012641 -0.0377147 -0.0246858 0.605757 -0.117264 -0.407747 -0.408063 -0.408043 -0.408395 -0.409402 -0.408887 -0.409228 -0.408399 -0.408383 -0.408244 -0.406819
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 151 405450 saturn_a 1682374.398885881 1970-01-20T11:19:34.398886+00:00 -0.0108888 -0.0246607 -0.00582144 -0.0158986 -0.0267509 -0.0356675 -0.0160478 0.000422852 -0.0265863 -0.026818 -0.00596821 -0.0144683 -0.00226733 -0.0421703 -0.0139424 -0.00324937 -0.0183789 -0.0198392 -0.00378428 -0.028776 -0.015817 0.6058 -0.100731 -0.407753 -0.408068 -0.408047 -0.408399 -0.409407 -0.408891 -0.409233 -0.408404 -0.408388 -0.408249 -0.406823
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 151 405451 hands_on_training 1682373.186655878 1970-01-20T11:19:33.186656+00:00 -0.00383433 -0.0175963 0.00125234 -0.00885303 -0.0196565 -0.0285837 -0.00916401 0.00745977 -0.019511 -0.0199029 0.00108198 -0.00735083 0.00479072 -0.0253545 -0.00707935 0.00382305 -0.0112422 -0.0127519 0.00326172 -0.0216851 -0.00877012 0.605805 -0.0949296 -0.407757 -0.408072 -0.408051 -0.408404 -0.409411 -0.408896 -0.409237 -0.408408 -0.408393 -0.408253 -0.406828
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 151 405453 affective_individual 1682370.7621958724 1970-01-20T11:19:30.762196+00:00 0.0082627 -0.00548486 0.0133775 0.00323081 -0.00751982 -0.0164396 0.00262305 0.0195174 -0.00739624 -0.00804873 0.013165 0.00485117 0.0168875 0.00168169 0.00465664 0.0159615 0.00100859 -0.00059248 0.0153347 -0.0095146 0.00330688 0.605759 -0.0992361 -0.407759 -0.408074 -0.408053 -0.408406 -0.409414 -0.408898 -0.409239 -0.40841 -0.408394 -0.408255 -0.40683
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 151 1654501 hands_on_training 168237.30162522523 1970-01-02T22:43:57.301625+00:00 -0.0130419 -0.0165527 -0.00532139 -0.0127667 -0.0189436 -0.0298516 -0.0137037 0.000250586 -0.0220268 -0.0202358 -0.00602617 -0.0102704 -0.00124399 -0.0292127 -0.0121957 -0.0055063 -0.0131444 -0.0185833 -0.00594355 -0.0246076 -0.0155194 0.647503 -0.26633 -0.407761 -0.408077 -0.408057 -0.40841 -0.409417 -0.408902 -0.40924 -0.408409 -0.40839 -0.408258 -0.406833
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 151 1779406 affective_team 16823.71312215971 1970-01-01T04:40:23.713122+00:00 -0.00840635 -0.0118063 -0.00035332 -0.00775342 -0.0133196 -0.0243665 -0.00886357 0.00490928 -0.0166979 -0.0149242 -0.00125991 -0.00538018 0.00349771 -0.0217446 -0.00726812 -0.000831543 -0.00784761 -0.0142945 -0.00121616 -0.0197251 -0.0107812 0.686409 -0.10154 -0.407763 -0.408078 -0.408059 -0.40841 -0.409418 -0.408903 -0.409241 -0.40841 -0.408392 -0.408259 -0.406834

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE "eeg_raw" (
   [group_session] TEXT REFERENCES [group_session]([id]),
   [station] TEXT REFERENCES [station]([id]),
   [participant] INTEGER REFERENCES [participant]([id]),
   [id] INTEGER,
   [task] TEXT REFERENCES [task]([id]),
   [timestamp_unix] TEXT,
   [timestamp_iso8601] TEXT,
   [aff1h] FLOAT,
   [f7] FLOAT,
   [fc5] FLOAT,
   [c3] FLOAT,
   [t7] FLOAT,
   [tp9] FLOAT,
   [pz] FLOAT,
   [p3] FLOAT,
   [p7] FLOAT,
   [o1] FLOAT,
   [o2] FLOAT,
   [p8] FLOAT,
   [p4] FLOAT,
   [tp10] FLOAT,
   [cz] FLOAT,
   [c4] FLOAT,
   [t8] FLOAT,
   [fc6] FLOAT,
   [fcz] FLOAT,
   [f8] FLOAT,
   [aff2h] FLOAT,
   [aux_gsr] FLOAT,
   [aux_ekg] FLOAT,
   [aff5h] FLOAT,
   [fc1] FLOAT,
   [cp5] FLOAT,
   [cp1] FLOAT,
   [po9] FLOAT,
   [oz] FLOAT,
   [po10] FLOAT,
   [cp6] FLOAT,
   [cp2] FLOAT,
   [fc2] FLOAT,
   [aff6h] FLOAT,
   PRIMARY KEY ([group_session], [station], [participant], [id])
CREATE INDEX [idx_eeg_raw_task]
    ON [eeg_raw] ([task]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_eeg_raw_participant]
    ON [eeg_raw] ([participant]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_eeg_raw_station]
    ON [eeg_raw] ([station]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_eeg_raw_group_session]
    ON [eeg_raw] ([group_session]);