Column descriptions

Group session ID
Task ID.
The iMac that the participant was stationed at.
Participant ID. A participant ID of -1 indicates an unknown participant. All rows that do not have values for the `task` column will have their participant ID set to -1. In the future, we will label some of these inter/pre/post task rows with the correct participant ID.
The Unix timestamp of the event.
The ISO-8601 timestamp of the event.

where participant = 134

View and edit SQL

Suggested facets: aff5h, fc1, cp1, po9, oz, cp6, cp2, fc2, aff6h, timestamp_iso8601 (date)

Link group_session station participant id task timestamp_unix timestamp_iso8601 aff1h f7 fc5 c3 t7 tp9 pz p3 p7 o1 o2 p8 p4 tp10 cz c4 t8 fc6 fcz f8 aff2h aux_gsr aux_ekg aff5h fc1 cp5 cp1 po9 oz po10 cp6 cp2 fc2 aff6h
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 134 405873 saturn_b 1681861.6255946853 1970-01-20T11:11:01.625595+00:00 -0.010464 -0.0242235 -0.00538179 -0.01545 -0.0262857 -0.0352097 -0.0156553 0.000875391 -0.0261368 -0.026411 -0.00548857 -0.0140023 -0.00179429 -0.0383736 -0.013684 -0.00278784 -0.0178915 -0.0193653 -0.00333286 -0.02831 -0.0153703 0.612939 -0.11222 -0.407756 -0.408071 -0.408051 -0.408403 -0.409411 -0.408895 -0.409237 -0.408407 -0.408391 -0.408252 -0.406827
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 134 405874 saturn_a 1681860.4133646823 1970-01-20T11:11:00.413365+00:00 -0.0193607 -0.0331337 -0.0143009 -0.0243393 -0.0352246 -0.0441497 -0.024326 -0.00799468 -0.0350546 -0.0351204 -0.0143627 -0.0229724 -0.0106922 -0.0580707 -0.0223302 -0.0117125 -0.0268372 -0.0282992 -0.0122125 -0.0372526 -0.0242543 0.612983 -0.106411 -0.407756 -0.408071 -0.40805 -0.408403 -0.409411 -0.408895 -0.409236 -0.408407 -0.408391 -0.408252 -0.406827
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 134 405875 hands_on_training 1681859.2011346796 1970-01-20T11:10:59.201135+00:00 -0.0129698 -0.0267388 -0.00789902 -0.0179453 -0.0288058 -0.03773 -0.0180357 -0.00163179 -0.0286649 -0.0288236 -0.00799536 -0.0165229 -0.00430801 -0.0465759 -0.0159549 -0.00530024 -0.0203787 -0.0218782 -0.00584355 -0.0308194 -0.0178738 0.613044 -0.0917509 -0.407761 -0.408077 -0.408057 -0.408408 -0.409415 -0.408901 -0.409242 -0.408413 -0.408397 -0.408258 -0.406833
exp_2022_10_24_12 lion 134 405877 affective_team 1681856.776674674 1970-01-20T11:10:56.776675+00:00 -0.00127168 -0.0150113 0.00383628 -0.00625908 -0.0170776 -0.0259857 -0.00662329 0.0100313 -0.0169428 -0.0173678 0.00367969 -0.00472656 0.00739507 -0.019159 -0.00457646 0.00643145 -0.0085792 -0.0101246 0.0058352 -0.0190692 -0.00619414 0.613069 -0.0934118 -0.407759 -0.408074 -0.408053 -0.408405 -0.409413 -0.408898 -0.409239 -0.40841 -0.408394 -0.408254 -0.40683

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE "eeg_raw" (
   [group_session] TEXT REFERENCES [group_session]([id]),
   [station] TEXT REFERENCES [station]([id]),
   [participant] INTEGER REFERENCES [participant]([id]),
   [id] INTEGER,
   [task] TEXT REFERENCES [task]([id]),
   [timestamp_unix] TEXT,
   [timestamp_iso8601] TEXT,
   [aff1h] FLOAT,
   [f7] FLOAT,
   [fc5] FLOAT,
   [c3] FLOAT,
   [t7] FLOAT,
   [tp9] FLOAT,
   [pz] FLOAT,
   [p3] FLOAT,
   [p7] FLOAT,
   [o1] FLOAT,
   [o2] FLOAT,
   [p8] FLOAT,
   [p4] FLOAT,
   [tp10] FLOAT,
   [cz] FLOAT,
   [c4] FLOAT,
   [t8] FLOAT,
   [fc6] FLOAT,
   [fcz] FLOAT,
   [f8] FLOAT,
   [aff2h] FLOAT,
   [aux_gsr] FLOAT,
   [aux_ekg] FLOAT,
   [aff5h] FLOAT,
   [fc1] FLOAT,
   [cp5] FLOAT,
   [cp1] FLOAT,
   [po9] FLOAT,
   [oz] FLOAT,
   [po10] FLOAT,
   [cp6] FLOAT,
   [cp2] FLOAT,
   [fc2] FLOAT,
   [aff6h] FLOAT,
   PRIMARY KEY ([group_session], [station], [participant], [id])
CREATE INDEX [idx_eeg_raw_task]
    ON [eeg_raw] ([task]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_eeg_raw_participant]
    ON [eeg_raw] ([participant]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_eeg_raw_station]
    ON [eeg_raw] ([station]);
CREATE INDEX [idx_eeg_raw_group_session]
    ON [eeg_raw] ([group_session]);